White Collar Crimes
Violent Crimes
Theft Cases
Drug Crimes
California DUI
Juvenile Crimes

Drugs and Narcotics Defense
Favorable Outcomes
Experience Matters
California Felony or Misdemeanor Offenses
Raising the Bar
The Importance of California Appeals
Credible and Trustworthy
The outstanding reputation won by the firm stems from an exceptional level of respect Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer, Ronald Ziff, has earned from former clients and the legal community, including judges, California defense attorneys, and prosecutors.

Immigration Consequences
Even misdemeanor crimes such as spousal battery, drug and/or weapons offenses or multiple petty theft convictions can lead to deportation of aliens including those individuals currently holding Green Cards.
Professionals Licenses
You have worked hard to obtain your license. You don’t want to lose it. An arrest and/or a conviction may affect your career, your earning capacity and your family life. We work hard at understanding the relationship between representing those accused of crimes and the possible effect upon their professional licenses.
Criminal Appeals and Writs
Vestibulum lobortis. Have you or a loved one or friend suffered a guilty verdict or criminal conviction? This is a stressful and frightening time. Perhaps you feel that you did not receive a fair trial. Anyone who has suffered a criminal conviction has a right to appeal their conviction to a higher court.