Attorney Profiles
Decades of California Criminal Defense
When selecting a Los Angeles drug lawyer to defend your drug matter, look to Ronald Ziff and Abby Klein for aggressive representation.
An extensive background in California criminal defense, especially Los Angeles drug crimes, Ronald A. Ziff and Abby Besser Klein have proven themselves by consistently winning favorable outcomes for more than three decades.
Drug Crime Lawyer Ronald A. Ziff
Mr. Ziff is highly regarded in legal circles as a reputable Los Angeles drug lawyer and California criminal defense attorney who doesn’t take “no” for an answer. His unparalleled expertise in the courtroom, coupled with years working as a California prosecutor, is apparent at every step of the defense process.
Attorney Credentials
Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys (NACDL)
Member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association
Admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court
Admitted to practice before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal
Private practice in criminal defense: Law Offices of Ronald A. Ziff (1979 to Present)
Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office (1974-79)
Admitted to practice and a member of the California State Bar (1974)
Clerked for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (1972-1974)
Graduated from Southwestern University School of Law, Juris Doctor (1974)
Member Blue Key – UCLA men’s honor organization (1971)
A member of PHI BETA KAPPA, 1971 from UCLA
Graduated UCLA Magna Cum Laude (1971)
Please e-mail or telephone Mr. Ziff to discuss your California criminal defense or Los Angeles drug crime matter.
Drug Crime Lawyer Abby Besser Klein
Ms. Klein is an experienced California appellate attorney whose talents have been instrumental in a variety of high-profile criminal cases such as Rodney King and Twilight Zone. For over 30 years, Abby Klein has demonstrated her ability as California appellate attorney to win in appeals for a host of felony convictions including manslaughter, murder, spousal abuse, espionage, and other federal and state charges.
Attorney Credentials
Former member of the Juveniles Court panel of Appointed experts and attorneys
Admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court
Admitted to practice before the 8th Circuit and 9th Circuit United States Courts of Appeal
Admitted to practice and a member of the California State Bar (1977)
Clerk to the Chief Trial Deputy, Federal Public Defender’s Office (1976-1978)
Clerk to the Chief Trial Deputy, Federal Public Defender’s Office (1976-1978)
Graduated Southwestern University School of Law, Juris Doctor (1977)
Graduated with a major in English, State University of New York (1971)
For matters requiring the expertise of a California criminal attorney or Los Angeles drug lawyer, state or federal criminal appeal or writ proceedings, and more, please contact our office.
In California, Los Angeles drug crime defense takes endurance, patience, persistence, and sharp decision-making; some of the many characteristics this successful legal team has to offer.
Please contact us 24/7 to schedule an appointment.