California Ecstasy Drug Charges & Arrests
MDMA, better known as Ecstasy, is a controversial topic in California. In the past, prosecutors have charged California ecstasy offenders under the Controlled Substance Analog Act. There are, however, representatives in the state assembly who have pushed (unsuccessfully, so far) for California ecstasy laws to be brought more into line with those outlined at the federal level, which among other things could mean harsher penalties. The point is, what you are facing here is an ever-changing map – all the more reason to have an experienced and competent helmsman to guide you or your loved one(s) through the legal process. Ronald A. Ziff knows the lay of the land when it comes to the most current California ecstasy laws and penalties. He enters the arena with duel perspectives from his time as a veteran prosecutor and as a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney.
And with Ronald Ziff at your side, you may never have to get to the point where prosecutors are parsing over whether or not they can treat the ecstasy they found as a Schedule I drug. This is because Mr. Ziff has a long and successful track record in getting cases tossed out early on over illegal search and seizure. For the same reason, Mr. Ziff’s firm is also known for handling appeals for other attorneys’ clients whose luck didn’t fare so well in their first round with the courts. Running point on those cases is none other than Abby Besser Klein, a well-regarded appellate and writ attorney known for, among other things, the high-profile Rodney King and Twilight Zone cases. For the very best lawyer to take on a California ecstasy appeal, look no further than Ms. Klein; she brings twenty five years of appellate experience to the table.
In fact, together Mr. Ziff and Ms. Klein represent a wealth of knowledge and expertise when it comes to California ecstasy legal issues. Particularly noteworthy is their extensive background with juvenile cases. Ecstasy is known as a “club drug” or “party drug,” and thus it goes without saying that many California ecstasy offenders are minors. Both attorneys have presided over hundreds upon hundreds of juvenile cases, standing by their clients and their families from the arrest to the sealing of the juvenile record. And keep in mind, those records can be expunged.
You can consult with Mr. Ziff and Ms. Klein now to discuss jail alternatives and drug treatments as well. You should act as soon as possible, because the faster you secure strong representation, the faster you can secure other indispensable things in your life that can be put in peril as a California ecstasy case moves forward – things such as loss of employment or professional license, child custody, and even immigration status. You should be focused on beating the charges against you, not watching your world fall apart around you while you sit in court. Mr. Ziff and Ms. Klein understand the human toll these kinds of proceedings can take, and they bring to bear their considerable talents to fight for the best possible outcome for you, both inside and outside the court.
Please contact us 24/7 to schedule an appointment.